Secondary treatment

Anaerobic trickling filter

Suitable for the purification of domestic wastewater with final delivery than public sewer to be installed downstream of primary sedimentation (which is not provided in the article). Inside the tank there are filling bodies a high specific surface (Biosphere) for the formation of a biological film constituted by bacteria which, in contact with the slurry, performing the abatement of pollutants.

Aerobic Percolating filter 

suitable for the purification of domestic wastewater with final delivery than public sewer to be installed downstream of primary sedimentation (which is not provided in the article). Inside the tank there are filling bodies a high specific surface (Biosphere) that with the oxidation slurry via fine bubble diffuser produced by membrane compressor, give rise to the formation of a biological film consisting of bacteria, which in contact with the slurry making the removal of pollutants.

Purifier with activated sludge

suitable for secondary treatment of waste water from civil rooms comprising:
– Sewage oxidation by air produced by the diffuser fine bubble powered by membrane compressor or side channel blower to be installed downstream of the existing primary sedimentation (IMHOFF / SEPTIC) with discharge into sewer or surface water.
– Settler in the area of ​​calm

Oxidation Plant Biological Treatment Plant and Activated Sludge constant flow

treatment discharges from civil rooms or comparable direct reach, fit for discharge into surface waters or soil.